martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Studio Dumbar: Alzheimer Nederland

Hi! Este pequeño post va de diseño. Por casualidad me encontré con una web muy interesante de un estudio de diseño holandés con bastante trayectoria, el Studio Dumbar. Me ha parecido una identidad tan sorprendente la de esta campaña, tanto por el tema y el uso de la tipografía para simbolizar el olvido y las lagunas de la enfermedad, que no he podido resistirme a compartirlo. Conmigo misma, claro.
En su web explican esto sobre el proyecto:
Alzheimer Nederland: Where there is light, there is hope
Alzheimer and other forms of dementia are presenting the human race with one of its toughest challenges. Alzheimer Nederland works hard to raise awareness and funds for vital research, but times are hard, and competition for donors has never been tougher. With their existing style lacking emotion as well as a competitive edge, Studio Dumbar designed a new visual identity.
Having met patients, families and carers to experience the disease first-hand, we developed a strong and instantly recognisable identity. The new logotype is bold and confident. The ‘vanishing points’ visualize the effects of dementia, while some people see them as a source of light and hope. The most important moment in the process came when the identity was shared with patients and carers. We were delighted and relieved when their feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and people continue to comment on how they feel an immediate emotional connection with the identity.”
Por lo que pude entender, se encargaron de hacer varios elementos de comunicación y papelería a partir de la creación de la identidad corporativa. También una pequeña animación.
¡Esto tan bien hecho!

Diana Martín Prieto: Survivor

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